Exploratory Meeting to Discuss APDW 2023 Hosting Bid Held


The Philippine Society of Gastroenterology (PSG) Board of Directors is currently reviewing the feasibility of submitting a hosting bid for the Asian Pacific Digestive Week (APDW) 2023.

In line with this review, representatives of the tripartite societies held an exploratory meeting on November 26, 2019 with a Singapore-based medical event organizer. Dr. Teresita Cabreira represented the PSG while Dr. Michelle Cloa, Dr. Benjamin Perez, Dr. Karl Yu Kim Teng, and Dr. Sandy Prodigalidad represented the Philippine Society of Digestive Endoscopy (PSDE).

Mr. Steven Chan, director of the events management group, expressed interest to work with the tripartite in submitting the hosting bid possibly in 2021. He shared their group’s hosting bid and events organizing experiences with several medical societies in Singapore. If the tripartite wins the bid to host APDW 2023, the group can serve as overall events coordinator. The group is open to negotiation for the cost of their services.